History of the Counts Family Reunion Biographical Sketch John Counts Elihu J. Sutherland Meeting Minutes Photos  Directors Helpful Links Contact Us

Here's a collection of previous reunion photos. Also, look for the section of Photo Albums.

2019 Reunion at Breaks Park-Dr. Brett Compton talking about new research on John Counts of Glade Hollow.

See Reunion minutes for more details.



2019 Reunion President Davine Miller Presenting Proclamation for Billy Sutherland to Break's Park Superintendant Austin Bradley




2019 Reunion-the Dye Sisters Imogene, Eliza and Patty

Ethel Hughes, Tucker and Mary Queta Watson

Ethel Hughes, Jill Sutherland, and Imogene Davis

F. Lee Sutherland and Wife, Emma Counts Sutherland

Reunion 2012

Maxine Fuller & Randy Miller

2013 Sutherland Reunion Pics from earlier that day

Maxine Fuller Descendents

George and Sylvia Dye Descendents

Monroe Power's family

Sue Counts and Jean Raines

Descendants of Lee and Emma Sutherland

Maxine Fuller

Davine Miller and Maxine Fuller 2014 honoree

Raymond and Evelyn Compton and Gaynor 2007

2002 Reunion

Norma Sutherland & Imogene Davis

Billy Sutherland, 8/2016