2020 Counts Reunion Meeting Minutes
2020 79th Annual Counts Family Reunion Meeting Minutes
The 79th Counts Family Reunion in conjunction with the Sutherland/Dye Reunion was held on August 1, 2020 at 11 am online via ZOOM. It was deemed too risky with the COVID 19 pandemic to meet in person. The online session was well attended with the following families represented: Phyllis Counts, Cynthia Peters, Phyllis Raker, Sheri Morrison, Sharon Dickens, Sue Counts, Chad Counts, Marie Fetzer, Brett Compton, Davine & Randy Miller, Dorothy Brunson, John Counts Fraley, Zay Viers, Bill Sutherland, Carol Deel, Shirley, Vicki & Bobby J Powers, David Fraley, Monika Fleming, Dolores Ham, Wm Brice (Billy) Counts, Cameron Sutherland, Gail Marney, Paul & Grant Arrington, Frank Powers, Todd & Millie Counts, Patty & Charlie & Cliff & Cynthia Connor
The Reunion was recorded and the link was shared on the John Counts of Glade Hollow facebook page and on the website countsfamilyreunion.org. You may watch the reunion at: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/1Z1IL7TLq0dJXYXzslqEYKInT7Xqaaa80XUX_aEJ mRmfSLU2ArvBWPHAD6_z3dRa Password: 5Ki9Y^eU
Our president, Sue Counts gave the greeting and Zay Viers led the pledge. America the Beautiful was sung by Alexis. David Fraley shared he was diagnosed with COVID19, but has no symptoms. Business Session: The 80th Reunion, in 2021 will be held on August 7 at Sandlick Presbyterian Church in Birchleaf, VA. Afterwards Sue Counts will hold an open house with genealogy rooms set up just a short distance from the church. It will begin at 10 am and we have several exciting things to discuss. It was voted to donate $100 to the Cleveland, VA Counts cemetery.
The treasure report was given by Gail Marney. It shows a balance of $222.35. It was suggested to open a paypal account for donations. It is paypal.me/Countsdonations. Donations for the maintenance of the John Counts of Glade Hollow and the Cleveland, VA Counts Cemetery can be made here or mailed to Gail Marney 2628 Tiny Hollow Birchleaf, VA 24220.
Officers’ terms will be extended by one year. There was discussion on where to house family and reunion artifacts. UVA(where EJ Sutherland’s collection is housed) and Dickenson County Historical society were mentioned. Dr. Brett Compton will research and make the best decision.
The following presentations were made: Phyllis Counts shared a slide show of Bill Sutherland photos Chad Counts talked about the DNA project on father to son(male) Y-DNA and in the future may look at the maternal DNA Brett Compton gave a presentation on William ‘Preacher Bill’ Sutherlands. He shared photos and interesting documents. Dr. Compton is an avid local historian and has worked hard to preserve our family history. Marie Rasnick Fetzer shared her latest research on how similar facial features occur down through the ages in the Counts family. She shared the kaiser-counts.org website on genealogy. These were fascinating presentations and well received. Thanks to all who worked so hard, to make this years reunion a success. Special thanks to Carol Deel for hosting the ZOOM meeting and helping work out any kinks before the session.
Gail Marney
Counts Family Reunion